Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hey there, remember me?

If you’re reading this post you might notice the SIGNIFICANT amount of time that has passed since I created this blog… time in which I have not posted a single thing. As luck would have it, my gratuitous amounts of free time suddenly disappeared when I accepted a fellowship position as a Photo Stylist at the cookbook publisher, Oxmoor House. If that wasn’t enough, Eric and I decided to adopt a dog! It’s funny how life is sometimes interrupted by more life.
Our sweet dog, Lucy (aka the great white goose)

No matter how busy these past few months have been, however, they have been some of the best months of my life. Being a newlywed accounts for most of that. It’s certainly an adjustment at times, but for the most part Eric and I have found marriage to be a huge blessing. Having an equal to share in the struggles and successes of daily life is so freeing. I know now more than ever that I got a good one. Eric has only proven to be kinder, more loving, and more caring in our time as husband and wife.

God also blessed me with a wonderful job right when we were starting to worry about how we would pay for food when Eric started school. I’ve been given a great opportunity to work with photo stylists at Oxmoor House, the cookbook publisher for big name brands such as Southern Living, Cooking Light, and Gooseberry Patch. We essentially select all the props that go into food shots for the cookbooks, i.e. the surfaces, linens, plates, flatware, glasses, background objects, etc. It has been incredibly rewarding and I am learning so much about photography and production. I would say this dream opportunity was definitely a God thing. I was desperately looking for a job, praying I’d find one at least remotely interesting, and all of a sudden this fell in my lap. I still can’t believe how blessed I am sometimes.

So amidst all these wonderful, busy months I have severely neglected this blog. Now that my dear husband has turned into a library rat for school I’m hoping I can put to practice some of the things I’m learning at work with some great new, easy recipes as well as some more musings on the life of a young newlywed. So stick with me, and maybe I’ll put my next post up before Christmas… (kidding.. I hope)

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